code cleanup

This commit is contained in:
rcxpony 2025-03-13 19:45:21 +05:00
parent 9ce2eba09f
commit 32dd2cda05
3 changed files with 2 additions and 138 deletions

View File

@ -48,27 +48,6 @@ __device__ __forceinline__ void ed25519_pack(unsigned char* c, const unsigned ch
c[31] |= parity;
__device__ __forceinline__ unsigned char ed25519_try_unpack(unsigned char* x, unsigned char* y, const unsigned char* comp) {
int parity = comp[31] >> 7;
unsigned char a[F25519_SIZE], b[F25519_SIZE], c_[F25519_SIZE];
f25519_copy(y, comp);
y[31] &= 127;
f25519_mul__distinct(c_, y, y);
f25519_mul__distinct(b, c_, ed25519_d);
f25519_add(a, b, f25519_one);
f25519_inv__distinct(b, a);
f25519_sub(a, c_, f25519_one);
f25519_mul__distinct(c_, a, b);
f25519_sqrt(a, c_);
f25519_neg(b, a);
f25519_select(x, a, b, (a[0] ^ parity) & 1);
f25519_mul__distinct(a, x, x);
return f25519_eq(a, c_);
__device__ __forceinline__ void ed25519_add(struct ed25519_pt* r, const struct ed25519_pt* p1, const struct ed25519_pt* p2) {
unsigned char a[F25519_SIZE], b[F25519_SIZE], c[F25519_SIZE], d[F25519_SIZE];
unsigned char e[F25519_SIZE], f[F25519_SIZE], g[F25519_SIZE], h[F25519_SIZE];

View File

@ -2,12 +2,6 @@
#include <ed25519.cuh>
#include <sha512.cuh>
#include <fprime.cuh>
__device__ __constant__ unsigned char ed25519_order[32] = {
0xed, 0xd3, 0xf5, 0x5c, 0x1a, 0x63, 0x12, 0x58, 0xd6, 0x9c, 0xf7, 0xa2, 0xde, 0xf9, 0xde, 0x14,
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x10
__device__ __forceinline__ void expand_key(unsigned char* expanded, const unsigned char* secret) {
struct sha512_state s;
@ -15,14 +9,6 @@ __device__ __forceinline__ void expand_key(unsigned char* expanded, const unsign
sha512_get(&s, expanded, 0, 64);
__device__ __forceinline__ unsigned char upp(struct ed25519_pt* p, const unsigned char* packed) {
unsigned char x[F25519_SIZE], y[F25519_SIZE];
unsigned char ok = ed25519_try_unpack(x, y, packed);
ed25519_project(p, x, y);
return ok;
__device__ __forceinline__ void pp(unsigned char* packed, const struct ed25519_pt* p) {
unsigned char x[F25519_SIZE], y[F25519_SIZE];
ed25519_unproject(x, y, p);
@ -37,60 +23,4 @@ __device__ __forceinline__ void edsign_sec_to_pub(unsigned char* pub, const unsi
unsigned char expanded[64];
expand_key(expanded, secret);
sm_pack(pub, expanded);
__device__ __forceinline__ void hash_with_prefix(unsigned char* out_fp, unsigned char* init_block, unsigned int prefix_size, const unsigned char* message, unsigned long len) {
struct sha512_state s;
if (len < 128 && len + prefix_size < 128) {
memcpy(init_block + prefix_size, message, len);
sha512_final(&s, init_block, len + prefix_size);
} else {
unsigned long i;
memcpy(init_block + prefix_size, message, 128 - prefix_size);
sha512_block(&s, init_block);
for (i = 128 - prefix_size; i + 128 <= len; i += 128) {
sha512_block(&s, message + i);
sha512_final(&s, message + i, len - i + prefix_size);
sha512_get(&s, init_block, 0, 64);
fprime_from_bytes(out_fp, init_block, 64, ed25519_order);
__device__ __forceinline__ void generate_k(unsigned char* k, const unsigned char* kgen_key, const unsigned char* message, unsigned long len) {
unsigned char block[128];
memcpy(block, kgen_key, 32);
hash_with_prefix(k, block, 32, message, len);
__device__ __forceinline__ void hash_message(unsigned char* z, const unsigned char* r, const unsigned char* a, const unsigned char* m, unsigned long len) {
unsigned char block[128];
memcpy(block, r, 32);
memcpy(block + 32, a, 32);
hash_with_prefix(z, block, 64, m, len);
__device__ void edsign_sign(unsigned char* signature, const unsigned char* pub, const unsigned char* secret, const unsigned char* message, unsigned long len) {
unsigned char expanded[64];
unsigned char e[32], s[32], k[32], z[32];
expand_key(expanded, secret);
generate_k(k, expanded + 32, message, len);
sm_pack(signature, k);
hash_message(z, signature, pub, message, len);
fprime_from_bytes(e, expanded, 32, ed25519_order);
fprime_mul(s, z, e, ed25519_order);
fprime_add(s, k, ed25519_order);
memcpy(signature + 32, s, 32);
__device__ unsigned char edsign_verify(const unsigned char* signature, const unsigned char* pub, const unsigned char* message, unsigned long len) {
struct ed25519_pt p, q;
unsigned char lhs[F25519_SIZE], rhs[F25519_SIZE], z[32];
unsigned char ok = 1;
hash_message(z, signature, pub, message, len);
sm_pack(lhs, signature + 32);
ok &= upp(&p, pub);
ed25519_smult(&p, &p, z);
ok &= upp(&q, signature);
ed25519_add(&p, &p, &q);
pp(rhs, &p);
return ok & f25519_eq(lhs, rhs);

View File

@ -133,24 +133,6 @@ __device__ __forceinline__ void f25519_mul__distinct(unsigned char* __restrict__
c >>= 8;
__device__ __forceinline__ void f25519_mul_c(unsigned char* __restrict__ r, const unsigned char* __restrict__ a, uint32_t b) {
uint32_t c = 0;
#pragma unroll
for (int i = 0; i < F25519_SIZE; i++) {
c = (c >> 8) + b * ((uint32_t)a[i]);
r[i] = (unsigned char)c;
r[F25519_SIZE - 1] &= 127;
c = (c >> 7) * 19;
#pragma unroll
for (int i = 0; i < F25519_SIZE; i++) {
c += r[i];
r[i] = (unsigned char)c;
c >>= 8;
__device__ __forceinline__ void f25519_inv__distinct(unsigned char* __restrict__ r, const unsigned char* __restrict__ x) {
unsigned char s[F25519_SIZE];
f25519_mul__distinct(s, x, x);
@ -168,31 +150,4 @@ __device__ __forceinline__ void f25519_inv__distinct(unsigned char* __restrict__
f25519_mul__distinct(r, s, x);
f25519_mul__distinct(s, r, r);
f25519_mul__distinct(r, s, x);
__device__ __forceinline__ void exp2523(unsigned char* __restrict__ r, const unsigned char* __restrict__ x, unsigned char* __restrict__ s) {
int i;
f25519_mul__distinct(r, x, x);
f25519_mul__distinct(s, r, x);
#pragma unroll
for (i = 0; i < 248; i++) {
f25519_mul__distinct(r, s, s);
f25519_mul__distinct(s, r, x);
f25519_mul__distinct(r, s, s);
f25519_mul__distinct(s, r, r);
f25519_mul__distinct(r, s, x);
__device__ __forceinline__ void f25519_sqrt(unsigned char* __restrict__ r, const unsigned char* __restrict__ a) {
unsigned char v[F25519_SIZE], i_val[F25519_SIZE], x[F25519_SIZE], y[F25519_SIZE];
f25519_mul_c(x, a, 2);
exp2523(v, x, y);
f25519_mul__distinct(y, v, v);
f25519_mul__distinct(i_val, x, y);
unsigned char one[F25519_SIZE];
f25519_load(one, 1);
f25519_sub(i_val, i_val, one);
f25519_mul__distinct(x, v, a);
f25519_mul__distinct(r, x, i_val);