2025-02-28 11:37:30 +05:00

535 lines
21 KiB
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* Address miner for Yggdrsail Network 0.4.x and higher.
* developers: Vort, acetone, R4SAS, lialh4, filarius, orignal
* developers team, 2021 (c) GPLv3
#include <sodium.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <fstream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <vector>
#include <array>
#include <string.h>
#include <memory.h>
#include <thread>
#include <regex>
#include <mutex>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include "cppcodec/base32_rfc4648.hpp"
//#include "miner.cu"
//std::time_t sygstartedin = std::time(NULL);
int countsize = 0;
uint64_t totalcount = 0;
uint64_t countfortune = 0;
bool newline = false;
std::mutex mtx;
const size_t KEYSIZE = 32;
const size_t ADDRIPV6 = 16;
typedef std::array<uint8_t, KEYSIZE> Key;
typedef std::array<uint8_t, ADDRIPV6> Address;
struct KeysBox {
Key PublicKey;
Key PrivateKey;
struct option {
unsigned int proc = 0; // количество потоков
int mode = 1; // режим майнинга
bool log = true; // логгирование
int high = 20; // начальная высота при майнинге: dec(20) == hex(14)
bool letsup = true; // повышение высоты при нахождении
bool mesh = false; // отображение meshname-доменов
bool fullkeys = true; // отображение секретного ключа в консоли в полном формате
std::string str = "aaaa";
std::string outputfile;
int sbt_size = 7; // 64b/8 = 8B, нумерация с нуля
bool sbt_alarm = false; // для симпатичного вывода предупреждения
static option conf;
int parameters(option& conf, std::string arg)
if (arg.find(" ") != std::string::npos) // Строка с пробелом, значит, ключ_значение
const size_t npos = -1; // std::string::npos с блэкджэком и путанами
int position = arg.find(" ");
std::istringstream ss(arg.substr(position + 1)); // Поток нужен для проверки корректности и конвертации
if (arg.find("--threads") != npos || arg.find("-t") != npos) {
ss >> conf.proc;
if (ss.fail()) return 1;
return 0;
if (arg.find("--pattern") != npos || arg.find("-p") != npos) {
ss >> conf.str;
if (ss.fail()) return 1;
return 0;
if (arg.find("--altitude") != npos || arg.find("-a") != npos) {
ss >> std::hex >> conf.high;
if (ss.fail()) return 1;
return 0;
else if (arg == "--ip" || arg == "-i") conf.mode = 0;
else if (arg == "--ip-high" || arg == "-ih") conf.mode = 2;
else if (arg == "--regexp" || arg == "-r") conf.mode = 3;
else if (arg == "--regexp-high" || arg == "-rh") conf.mode = 4;
else if (arg == "--mesh" || arg == "-m") conf.mode = 5;
else if (arg == "--mesh-regexp" || arg == "-mr") conf.mode = 6;
else if (arg == "--brute-force" || arg == "-b") conf.mode = 7;
else if (arg == "--increase-none" || arg == "-in") conf.letsup = false;
else if (arg == "--logging-none" || arg == "-ln") conf.log = false;
else if (arg == "--display-mesh" || arg == "-dm") conf.mesh = true;
else if (arg == "--full-pk" || arg == "-fp") conf.fullkeys = true;
else if (arg == "--threads" || arg == "-t") return 777; // Параметры, требующие значение
else if (arg == "--pattern" || arg == "-p") return 777;
else if (arg == "--altitude" || arg == "-a") return 777;
return 0;
void displayConfig() {
// из-за регулирования количества потоков и countsize вызов функции обязателен
unsigned short processor_count = std::thread::hardware_concurrency(); // кол-во процессоров
if (conf.proc == 0 || conf.proc > static_cast<unsigned int>(processor_count))
conf.proc = static_cast<unsigned int>(processor_count);
countsize = 80000 * conf.proc;
std::cout << " Threads: " << conf.proc << ", ";
if (conf.mode == 0)
std::cout << "IPv6 pattern (" << conf.str << "), ";
else if (conf.mode == 1)
std::cout << "high addresses (2" << std::setw(2) << std::setfill('0') <<
std::hex << conf.high << std::dec;
(conf.letsup != 0) ? std::cout << "++), " : std::cout << "+), ";
} else if (conf.mode == 2)
std::cout << "by pattern (" << conf.str << ") & high (2" <<
std::setw(2) << std::setfill('0') << std::hex << conf.high << std::dec;
(conf.letsup != 0) ? std::cout << "++), " : std::cout << "+), ";
} else if (conf.mode == 3)
std::cout << "IPv6 regexp (" << conf.str << "), ";
else if (conf.mode == 4)
std::cout << "IPv6 regexp (" << conf.str << ") & high (2" <<
std::setw(2) << std::setfill('0') << std::hex << conf.high << std::dec;
(conf.letsup != 0) ? std::cout << "++), " : std::cout << "+), ";
} else if (conf.mode == 5)
std::cout << "meshname pattern (" << conf.str << "), ";
else if (conf.mode == 6)
std::cout << "meshname regexp (" << conf.str << "), ";
else if (conf.mode == 7)
std::cout << "subnet brute force (" << conf.str << "/" << (conf.sbt_size + 1) * 8 << "), ";
if (conf.log)
std::cout << "logging to text file.";
std::cout << "console log only.";
if ((conf.mode == 5 || conf.mode == 6) && conf.mesh == 0)
conf.mesh = 1; // принудительно включаем отображение мешнейм-доменов при их майнинге
std::cout << std::endl << std::endl;
void testOutput()
if (conf.log)
if (conf.mode == 0)
conf.outputfile = "syg-ipv6-pattern.txt";
else if (conf.mode == 1)
conf.outputfile = "syg-ipv6-high.txt";
else if (conf.mode == 2)
conf.outputfile = "syg-ipv6-pattern-high.txt";
else if (conf.mode == 3)
conf.outputfile = "syg-ipv6-regexp.txt";
else if (conf.mode == 4)
conf.outputfile = "syg-ipv6-regexp-high.txt";
else if (conf.mode == 5)
conf.outputfile = "syg-meshname-pattern.txt";
else if (conf.mode == 6)
conf.outputfile = "syg-meshname-regexp.txt";
else if (conf.mode == 7)
conf.outputfile = "syg-subnet-brute-force.txt";
std::ifstream test(conf.outputfile);
if (!test)
std::ofstream output(conf.outputfile);
output << "******************************************************\n"
<< "Change PublicKey and PrivateKey to your yggdrasil.conf\n"
<< "Windows: C:\\ProgramData\\Yggdrasil\\yggdrasil.conf\n"
<< "Debian: /etc/yggdrasil.conf\n"
<< "******************************************************\n";
} else test.close();
std::string getBase32(const Address& rawAddr)
return static_cast<std::string>(cppcodec::base32_rfc4648::encode(rawAddr.data(), 16));
* pickupStringForMeshname получает человекочитаемую строку
* типа fsdasdaklasdgdas.meship и возвращает значение, пригодное
* для поиска по meshname-строке: удаляет возможную доменную зону
* (всё после точки и саму точку), а также делает все буквы
* заглавными.
std::string pickupStringForMeshname(std::string str) {
std::transform(str.begin(), str.end(), str.begin(), ::toupper);
size_t dotPos = str.find('.');
if (dotPos != std::string::npos) {
// Удаляем доменную зону
return str;
* pickupMeshnameForOutput получает сырое base32 значение
* типа KLASJFHASSA7979====== и возвращает meshname-домен:
* делает все символы строчными и удаляет паддинги ('='),
* а также добавляет доменную зону ".meship".
std::string pickupMeshnameForOutput(std::string str)
for (auto it = str.begin(); it != str.end(); it++) // делаем все буквы строчными для вывода
*it = tolower(*it);
for (auto it = str.end(); *(it - 1) == '='; it--)
str.pop_back(); // удаляем символы '=' в конце адреса
return str + ".meship";
* decodeMeshToIP получает строковое значение сырого base32
* кода типа KLASJFHASSA7979====== и возвращает IPv6-стринг.
bool subnetCheck() {
if (conf.str[0] == '3') {
conf.str[0] = '2';
return true;
return false;
bool convertStrToRaw(const std::string& str, Address& array) {
return inet_pton(AF_INET6, str.c_str(), (void*)array.data());
KeysBox getKeyPair() {
KeysBox keys;
uint8_t sk[64];
crypto_sign_ed25519_keypair(keys.PublicKey.data(), sk);
memcpy(keys.PrivateKey.data(), sk, 32);
return keys;
std::string getAddress(const Address& rawAddr) {
char ipStrBuf[46];
inet_ntop(AF_INET6, rawAddr.data(), ipStrBuf, 46);
return std::string(ipStrBuf);
std::string decodeMeshToIP(const std::string& str) {
std::string mesh = pickupStringForMeshname(str);
std::vector<uint8_t> raw = cppcodec::base32_rfc4648::decode(mesh);
if (raw.size() != 16) {
throw std::runtime_error("Invalid mesh string for IPv6 address.");
std::array<uint8_t, 16> rawAddr;
std::copy(raw.begin(), raw.end(), rawAddr.begin());
return std::string(getAddress(rawAddr));
std::string hexArrayToString(const uint8_t* bytes, int length) {
std::stringstream ss;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
ss << std::setw(2) << std::setfill('0') << std::hex << static_cast<int>(bytes[i]);
return ss.str();
std::string keyToString(const Key& key) {
return hexArrayToString(key.data(), KEYSIZE);
void getRawAddress(int lErase, Key InvertedPublicKey, Address& rawAddr) {
const int bitsToShift = lErase % 8;
const int start = lErase / 8;
const int invSize = start + 15;
if (bitsToShift == 0) {
for (int i = start; i < invSize; ++i)
InvertedPublicKey[i] = InvertedPublicKey[i];
} else {
const int complementary = 8 - bitsToShift;
for (int i = start; i < start + 15; ++i) {
InvertedPublicKey[i] = static_cast<unsigned char>(
(InvertedPublicKey[i] << bitsToShift) |
(InvertedPublicKey[i + 1] >> complementary)
rawAddr[0] = 0x02;
rawAddr[1] = static_cast<unsigned char>(lErase - 1);
memcpy(&rawAddr[2], &InvertedPublicKey[start], 14);
Key bitwiseInverse(const Key& key) {
Key inverted{};
for (size_t i = 0; i < key.size(); ++i) inverted[i] = static_cast<unsigned char>(~key[i]);
return inverted;
int getOnes(const Key& value) {
int leadOnes = 0;
constexpr int nBytes = 17;
for (int i = 0; i < nBytes; ++i) {
if (value[i] == 0xFF) {
leadOnes += 8;
} else {
for (int j = 7; j >= 0; --j) {
if (value[i] & (1 << j))
return leadOnes;
return leadOnes;
void logKeys(const Address& raw, const KeysBox& keys) {
std::cout << std::endl;
if (conf.mesh) {
std::string base32 = getBase32(raw);
std::cout << " Domain: " << pickupMeshnameForOutput(base32) << std::endl;
std::cout << " Address: " << getAddress(raw) << std::endl;
std::cout << " PublicKey: " << keyToString(keys.PublicKey) << std::endl;
std::cout << " PrivateKey: " << keyToString(keys.PrivateKey);
if (!conf.log || conf.fullkeys) std::cout << keyToString(keys.PublicKey);
std::cout << std::endl << std::endl;
if (conf.log) {
std::ofstream output(conf.outputfile, std::ios::app);
output << std::endl;
if (conf.mesh) {
std::string base32 = getBase32(raw);
output << "Domain: " << pickupMeshnameForOutput(base32) << std::endl;
output << "Address: " << getAddress(raw) << std::endl;
output << "PublicKey: " << keyToString(keys.PublicKey) << std::endl;
output << "PrivateKey: " << keyToString(keys.PrivateKey) << keyToString(keys.PublicKey) << std::endl;
void process_fortune_key(const KeysBox& keys) {
Key invKey = bitwiseInverse(keys.PublicKey);
int ones = getOnes(invKey);
Address rawAddr;
getRawAddress(ones, invKey, rawAddr);
logKeys(rawAddr, keys);
template <int T>
void miner_thread() {
Address rawForBrute;
Address rawAddr;
KeysBox keys;
Key invKey;
int ones;
std::string addressStr, base32Str;
bool shouldProcess;
if constexpr (T == 5) {
conf.str = pickupStringForMeshname(conf.str);
if constexpr (T == 7) {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mtx);
std::string oldString = conf.str;
if (!convertStrToRaw(conf.str, rawForBrute) || subnetCheck() || conf.str != getAddress(rawForBrute)) {
if (!conf.sbt_alarm) {
std::cerr << " WARNING: Your string [" << oldString << "] converted to IP ["
<< getAddress(rawForBrute) << "]" << std::endl << std::endl;
conf.sbt_alarm = true;
std::regex regx(conf.str, std::regex_constants::egrep | std::regex_constants::icase);
while (true) {
keys = getKeyPair();
invKey = bitwiseInverse(keys.PublicKey);
ones = getOnes(invKey);
getRawAddress(ones, invKey, rawAddr);
addressStr = getAddress(rawAddr);
base32Str = getBase32(rawAddr);
shouldProcess = false;
if constexpr (T == 0) {
shouldProcess = (addressStr.find(conf.str) != std::string::npos);
} else if constexpr (T == 1) {
if (ones > conf.high) {
if (conf.letsup != 0)
conf.high = ones;
shouldProcess = true;
} else if constexpr (T == 2) {
if (ones > conf.high && addressStr.find(conf.str) != std::string::npos) {
if (conf.letsup != 0)
conf.high = ones;
shouldProcess = true;
} else if constexpr (T == 3) {
shouldProcess = std::regex_search(addressStr, regx);
} else if constexpr (T == 4) {
if (ones > conf.high && std::regex_search(addressStr, regx)) {
if (conf.letsup != 0)
conf.high = ones;
shouldProcess = true;
} else if constexpr (T == 5) {
shouldProcess = (base32Str.find(conf.str) != std::string::npos);
} else if constexpr (T == 6) {
shouldProcess = std::regex_search(base32Str, regx);
} else if constexpr (T == 7) {
for (size_t z = 0; z < rawForBrute.size() && rawForBrute[z] == rawAddr[z]; ++z) {
if (z > 4) {
if (z == static_cast<size_t>(conf.sbt_size)) {
shouldProcess = true;
} else {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mtx);
std::cout << " So close! Bruted bytes: " << (z + 1) << "/" << (conf.sbt_size + 1) << std::endl;
if (shouldProcess) process_fortune_key(keys);
void startThreads() {
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < conf.proc; ++i) {
std::thread* thread = new std::thread(
conf.mode == 0 ? miner_thread<0> :
conf.mode == 1 ? miner_thread<1> :
conf.mode == 2 ? miner_thread<2> :
conf.mode == 3 ? miner_thread<3> :
conf.mode == 4 ? miner_thread<4> :
conf.mode == 5 ? miner_thread<5> :
conf.mode == 6 ? miner_thread<6> :
if (i + 1 < conf.proc) thread->detach();
else thread->join();
void error(int code)
std::cerr << std::endl << "\
| Incorrect input, my dear friend. Use --help for usage information. |\n\
Error code: " << code << std::endl;
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
if (argc >= 2) {
std::string p1;
p1 = argv[1];
if (p1 == "--help" || p1 == "-help" || p1 == "-h") {
return 0;
} else if (p1 == "--tomesh" || p1 == "-tm") {
if (argc >= 3) {
Address rawAddr;
convertStrToRaw(argv[2], rawAddr);
std::string base32 = getBase32(rawAddr);
std::cout << std::endl << pickupMeshnameForOutput(base32) << std::endl;
return 0;
} else { error(-501); return -501; }
} else if (p1 == "--toip" || p1 == "-ti") {
if (argc >= 3) {
std::cout << std::endl << decodeMeshToIP(argv[2]) << std::endl;
return 0;
} else { error(-502); return -502; }
} else {
int res = -1;
for (int i = 1;; ++i) {
if (argv[i] == nullptr) break;
res = parameters(conf, std::string(argv[i]));
if (res == 777) {
if (argv[i] == nullptr) {
std::cerr << " Empty value for parameter \"" << argv[i - 1] << "\"" << std::endl;
return 776;
int res2 = parameters(conf, std::string(std::string(argv[i - 1]) + " " + std::string(argv[i])));
if (res2 != 0) {
std::cerr << " Wrong value \"" << argv[i] << "\" for parameter \"" << argv[i - 1] << "\"" << std::endl;
return res;
//else { without(); std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::seconds(1)); }
void help()
std::cout << std::endl << "\
| Simple Yggdrasil address miner usage: --help or -h |\n\
[Mining modes] \n\
High addresses BY DEFAULT | \n\
IPv6 by pattern --ip | -i \n\
IPv6 by pattern + height --ip-high | -ih \n\
IPv6 by regular expression --regexp | -r \n\
IPv6 by regular expression + height --regexp-high | -rh \n\
Meshname by pattern --mesh | -m \n\
Meshname by regular expression --mesh-regexp | -mr \n\
Subnet brute force (300::/64) --brute-force | -b \n\
[Main parameters] \n\
Threads count (maximum by default) --threads | -t <value>\n\
String for pattern or regular expression --pattern | -p <value>\n\
Start position for high addresses (14 by default) --altitude | -a <value>\n\
[Extra options] \n\
Disable auto-increase in high mode --increase-none | -in \n\
Disable logging to text file, stdout only --logging-none | -ln \n\
Force display meshname domains --display-mesh | -dm \n\
Show PrivateKeys in full format in console --full-pk | -fp \n\
Show the version of the miner --version | -v \n\
[Meshname convertation] \n\
Convert IP to Meshname --tomesh | -tm <value>\n\
Convert Meshname to IP --toip | -ti <value>\n\
[Notes] \n\
Meshname domains use base32 (RFC4648) alphabet symbols. \n\
In meshname domain mining should use \"=\" instead \".meship\" or \".meshname\".\n\
Subnet brute force mode understand \"3xx:\" and \"2xx:\" patterns. \n\
void without()
std::cout << "\
SimpleYggGen was started without parameters.\n\
The mining mode for high addresses will be launched automatically.\n\
Use --help for usage information."
<< std::flush;